
Tuesday, 26 January 2016

You Got Friend Zoned – Out In 3 Steps

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You Got Friend Zoned – Out In 3 Steps
You Got Friend Zoned – Out In 3 Steps

You have either been friend zoned in the past or you are in it now. No guy is safe from the friend zone. This is the purgatory where all of you average frustrated chumps go before you go to pick-up artist heaven. There is no shame in it, this has happened to all of us. A girl you like and get along with keeps you around for emotional support while she sleeps with other guys.

We are so good for each other, how did I get friend zoned?

The second she mentions the emotional or physical interaction with another guy, without hesitation, those friend zone chills pour over us.

So there was a point where she was interested in you but something went wrong. Let´s face it something went very wrong. You got friend zoned most likely because you wussed out and never let her know that you wanted her. Wussed out? Not me! Yes you! The biological fact that women do need a man to act, whether passively or aggressively (depends on the woman), should remind us that this action needs to be taken methodically. 

There are many ways you can do this but I have to start with an emotional disclaimer. While performing these 3 methods, they have to be done WITHOUT a lot of emotions pouring out of you. 

If you’ve been friend zoned and want to get out, then know that women are attracted to emotions AFTER they have established a physical relationship with you. If you are emotional with her BEFORE you both have created an emotional and physical connection, SNAP you lost her attraction immediately. When I say this, it doesn’t mean prepare a power point presentation or start sending text messages to her explaining how you feel in a less emotional way. Instead start out by giving her all the signals that she will respond to.

I call this The ‘light signals’

First, we have to keep in mind that 95% of all women have experienced some level of sexual trauma in their past. So when I mean ‘light,’ I mean not in aggressive places (to her) or in an aggressive manner. For a guy who has been friend zoned, we can’t relate to this. Almost 95% of men have not experienced sexual trauma from a woman. So our advances and conversation have no subconscious barriers. Please make this more conscientious in all of your efforts, it will serve you VERY well if you have been friend zoned.

If your signals are smiles, make them light. Connect with eyes, don’t  give a HUGE cheese face with a stalker stare. A light smile and stare works well enough. Your body language should be a whisper NOT a scream. 

If your signals are touches, make them light. Caressing her back needs to be light and at the right time. Hugs should be more confident. If you are her friend, your hugs were based on comforting her. STOP comforting her, that’s how you got friend zoned. 

Have you ever hugged a girl that you didn’t try anything sexual with and therefore your hug was intentionally friendly? Of course you have so don’t do that anymore with her. 

You’ve Been Friend Zoned So It’s Time To Use Jealousy or Intrigue

Creating jealousy or intrigue from her can work and it can also EXPLODE against you. This can be really powerful if done correctly. Talking to other girls in front of her and show her that other girls are interested in you, are HUGE for women. Having her start to see you as a potential mate because of what other ‘women’ smell, is the best way to get away from being friend zoned. This can be done without doing or saying anything directly to her. I have had many girls tell me that they didn’t even know that they liked me until they saw another girl flirting with me. 

Let’s learn from this from what we teach you here. You can also learn more about how to attract women on our blog.

Don´t let your fear bring you back to being friend zoned. The reality is that you have to risk losing the girl in order to get the girl. Stop fearing rejection and make those ‘light signals,’ be conscientious to her sexual past, and get other women to flirt with you. 

Once the message is clear that you want more, she will either bite or leave. Either way you are out of the friend zone and let’s face it, you can’t go back or you will be miserable. You have to accept this in order to get to the next level in your game. We’ve all been friend zoned, it’s just how you learn from it is what mattered.

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